Ella's Farm Blog

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  1. During the time I haven't being writing blogs a lot has being happening!      After my brother had spreaded the muck out of the shed on the fields he left it a few weeks and then used our chain-harrow to scarify the grass and to distribute the muck evenly on the fields so it isn't all heaped up; also this helps the field absorb the nutrients quicker. After that he used a big roller filled with water to flatten out the fields and to squash it all down.   A contractor has applied liquid fertilizer to the meadow grass.

    Milly and martha are now in the fields with all the other sheep enjoying the sunshine but also being out in the strong winds!  We have weaned them off the botlle now and they are just eating lamb pellets, grass and drinking water. I go and walk around them every night to give them lots of cuddles and to make sure they have had some feed. 

    The picture of the lamb below is a younger lamb that was born outside.  His mum is a hog (1 year old sheep) which we didnt expect to lamb.  We went he field one morning to find a little lamb toddling along after its mum. The lamb is perfectly healthy and is thriving outside; he has even manged to put his head in the creep-feeder (pellet dispenser) to eat some feed!


    new born lamb                      sheep in field early june